OUR CREATIVE SERVICES | 我們的創(chuàng)意服務

Brand Building

? 現(xiàn)有品牌診斷
? 品牌360度分析
? 品牌重新定位
? 品牌設計
? 品牌導入指導

品牌識別是企業(yè)希望創(chuàng)造和保持的,能打動消費者并區(qū)別于競爭者的品牌聯(lián)想,與品牌核心價值共同構(gòu)成豐滿的品牌聯(lián)想。這些聯(lián)想暗示著企業(yè)對消費者的某種承諾。一個強勢品牌必然有豐滿、鮮明的品牌識別。科學完整地規(guī)劃品牌識別體系后,品牌核心價值就能有效落地,并與日常的營銷傳播活動,有效對接,企業(yè)的營銷傳播活動才有了標準與方向。嘉遜廣告為客戶提供品牌命名、企業(yè)形象VI設計、CI導入等全方位品牌識別解決方案。在過去的十年中,我們創(chuàng)造了眾多成功案例。我們客戶分布于政府、文化、金融、 IT、電信、房地產(chǎn)、日化、工業(yè)、快消品等部門和行業(yè)。

Brand Logo Strategy and Design


Like the brand name, the brand logo is an important part of the brand recognition system. They are a carrier of information transmission, the product characteristics, quality and brand values and ideas and other elements in the form of fusion symbols to the public and consumers. Although the brand logo can be composed of brand name, but after the artistic design, it contains non-linguistic symbols of the composition. So, to some extent, it is more elusive than the name of the language symbol. In the design of brand logo, some basic strategies include design principles, design style, design methods and the use of logo color.

Brand Visual Review and Diagnosis


According to the corporate brand positioning and business to convey the concept, from outside to inside the enterprise brand to assess the visual experience of each touch point, so as to accurately diagnose the advantages and disadvantages of brand visual performance for the late design performance to provide the right direction.

Brand Visual Image Recognition System


The visual recognition system is a systematic and unified visual symbol system. Visual recognition is the embodiment of the static recognition symbol, the visual communication form, the project is the most, the level is the most extensive, the effect is more direct. Belongs to the CIS in the VI visual identification system, with a complete, the system of visual communication system, the enterprise idea, culture, service content, enterprise standard, such as the abstract semantic concept into specific symbols, create a unique corporate image. The visual recognition system is divided into basic factor system and application factor system. The basic elements system mainly includes: enterprise name, enterprise logo, standard word, standard color, symbol pattern, publicity speech, marketing report, etc. Application system mainly include: office supplies, production equipment, construction environment, product packaging, advertising, media, transportation, dress uniforms, flags, signs, badges, window, display, etc. Visual recognition (VI) is accepted by the public of CI system and is the dominant position.

VI Training and Import



To provide customers with how to use the VI system manual tool to support staff training and standardize brand behavior, in order to ensure that customers can accurately apply the norms of the brand visual correct and unified to convey the brand value, to ensure that the brand in the various contacts Visual system and unity.

Brand Keeping

? 年度設計服務
? 品牌VI設計
? 品牌海報、形象設計
? 品牌宣傳品設計
? 品牌活動設計


Dissemination Strategy Development


Its work includes: communication terminal data research, communication strategy tailored, media PR and implementation, event planning and implementation, network marketing programs and implementation, dissemination of tracking and optimization. Jason’s professional data team and media resources will provide strong support for brand communication. At the same time, for long-term customers, Jason offers perennial communication and media consultancy services.

Advertising Creative and Design


The essence of advertising is to spread, the soul of advertising is creative. Jiaxun to provide customers with flat, audio-visual, network and other new media advertising planning and design. Through our creativity, the brand and product advantages and characteristics of accurate conversion into the target audience willing to accept, easy to remember, and can produce positive association of audio-visual factors, in order to achieve and improve market awareness, promote brand reputation and loyalty The purpose of communication.

Brand Brochure Design


The brochure has been the most basic information transmission function rose to the brand image and entrepreneurial spirit of one of the important embodiment of the spirit. Jason is based on brand positioning and visual positioning, to provide customers from the album as a whole style design, page layout, paper and printing process recommendations and other services to accurately convey the spirit of enterprise and enhance the brand image.

Events planning, design, implementation


To provide customers from planning to design and production, to the scene to build, implementation and management, and even on-site and post-dissemination of the overall solution. The main design includes the design, production and purchase of materials such as the main image, space, background board, sign board, invitations, Yi Labao, work permit, ticket, certificate and so on for various forums, conferences, celebrations and announcements. Jason has its own wholly-owned factory to ensure that Jason has always been a high standard to be implemented and unified.

Marketing Material Design


Provide other materials needed for marketing such as: exhibition, POP, single page, folding and other design to meet the full range of customer marketing needs.